Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Why GW?

Well, because we’re awesome! Seriously, we are. But you want to know why do we ask our applicants - Why GW?  It’s pretty simple – we want to know what our applicants are thinking about GW and what it is, exactly, that motivates, inspires, piques, compels and/or fancies them to want to become Colonials.

I’ve been reading files steadily for about three (plus) weeks.  For me, the Why GW essay is the best part of the application file. It amazes me how many applicants just really get GW.  They’ve done great research, visited, talked to people who know GW (current students, alumni, admissions people) and discovered that GW je ne sais quoi.  They succinctly roll all those feelings and ideas into a fantastic, heartfelt essay that captures the sights and sounds of GW. It doesn’t take much to push my Colonial button. If the essay is well composed, that is.  Some of you even make me cry (out of pride)! 

But, unfortunately, not all of our applicants fully understand (or rather figure out) why we ask Why GW.  These smart, often articulate students - who are perhaps overwhelmed by all they have to do on daily basis - take the easy way out with this essay.  I’ve got a great track record; separating the sincere future Colonials from the posers isn’t too hard to do.  The missteps applicants take can be fairly obvious:
  • Submitting a “One Size Fits All” essay but neglecting to change the college name (yep, happens ALL OF THE TIME).
  • Talking all about themselves and what they will major in, then plop in GW’s name in the last paragraph. Or worse, in the last sentence.
  • Omitting all mention of GW – nothing, nada, zilch.  Oh, they talk about DC but GW? Nope.
  • Cut-n-pasting the other required essay into the Why GW essay. I’m getting on in years but I can recall what I just read 3 minutes ago.
  • Saying too little – we ask for 500 words for a reason. In my book, if you love GW and want to write 1,000 words about us – go for it!  But only 50 words? Seriously.
Some of you might be thinking – now she tells me. Sorry but it’s just been on my mind lately.  So I thought would give you a short list of why I think GW is amazing:
  • University Writing courses for freshmen.  I can’t talk enough about the UW curriculum. The course titles look so interesting I really wish I could go back in time and register for any of the classes offered this semester such as “Art and Autobiography”, “The Images of Everyday Life” or “Beyond Rotten Tomatoes: Writing with Film Theory”. 
  • Our Special Interest Programs that include University Honors, Presidential Scholars in the Arts and the Women’s Leadership Programs. 
  • The Colonial Army!  The official student fan group for all things athletic at GW.  If you already know the lyrics to the GW Fight Song, this is the club for you!
  • Our traditions (just a few) – Colonial Inauguration (hopefully you will be able to experience our award winning orientation program), Fall Fest & Spring Fling, George Washington’s Birthday celebration - complete with cherry pie eating contest, our Inaugural Ball, which happens once every four years – first, you need a Presidential election to take place!
  • Service and Civic Engagement – GW students LOVE to give back!
  • Internships, research, fellowships and study abroad - opportunities that make the Colonials experience relevant, applicable and meaningful. Even for freshmen!

I can go on and on - I think I’ve Buffed & Blued you enough by now.  Anyway, I have to get back to reading applications.  I leave you with some videos I found of “Hail to the Buff, Hail to the Blue!”